Evening Courses

Tantra and subtle body

For individuals and Couples

 Every other Wednesday 

Regular evening meetings for individuals and couples. Tantra is an ancient tradition that teaches that there is no contradiction between the body and the spirit, that they are essentially one reality. That their harmonization is a spiritual path that opens the gates of higher consciousness. In a playful way, with the help of breath, movement and intention, we connect to our energy so that we get in touch with our aliveness, joy, vitality, to release our fears and tension. We get into our body, into our sensitivity and into the present moment as deeply as we wish. 

Tantra teaches how to tap into our life energy in a way that has the power to change our lives and bring a new quality of aliveness to our everyday perception. Our path of tantra does not prescribe anything, it is not tied to any religion, direction or even orthodox doctrine. It is a loving approach to man and to his free and independent development. In our Western civilization, tantra also helps us heal our sexual wounds, whether they come from suppression, obsession, or abuse. It shows us how to enjoy life's energy through experiences of joyous and meditative aimlessness. 

The program will include exercises that include work with the body and breath. We will learn to set boundaries, give and receive touch. Tantra massage is only a marginal topic, the main topic of the meetings is the cultivation of energy and consciousness. Physical nudity is not necessary for that. The theme of boundaries and their sanctity will be a red thread winding through the whole tantric pilgrimage, we will keep coming back to it, because creating a safe space is a necessary condition for any healing. We will adapt the specific sequence of exercises to the needs and energy of the group. 


Tomáš Fodor: He completed training in body-oriented psychotherapy with John Hawken and assisted in his training for several years. Since 2010, she has been helping her clients with the treatment of trauma, blocks, anxiety and other psychosomatic problems. www.rebithing.sk

Lucia Jasna Glejteková: She has been practicing tantra privately since 2019. She has been providing individual tantric therapies and massages since June 2021. She completed retreats with Andrew Barns - Tantric unblocking and Energy orgasm and with Robert Silber - Conscious sensuality.

Place and duration of the meeting: In the gardens 1, Bratislava, 19:00 to 20:45 


Every Wednesday, about twice a month: 2.11., 16.11., 30.11., 7.12.2022 11.1., 25.1., 8.2., 22.2., 8.3., 22.3. etc., until the end of June 2023 You can join on any date, each evening is separate.


Price: €20 one-time entry per person. €70 season ticket for 5 entries per person.

Organizational info: Tomáš 0915993865 or Lucia 0948 18 99 33

Courses are led in slovak language, so you would need someone to translate. If there is more english speaking people we will consider creating a new group. 

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